Spare change for the needy/wanty!?

Well here I am watching the telly with my wife and my awesome infant. Trouble is, I am a work-a-holic and while I just finished doing a blood angels army that you will see on another blog here very shortly, I want to do another mech heavy space marine army. So if you are thinking about having an army commissioned, please check with me first. I dont have set prices and I am cheaper than you think. I am not gonna let you stick one in me, but you might be surprised. I got the last gig because my client thought he would try and see if I would do the army for a competitors price and I said sure why not. I paint a lot better and quicker than he does/did anyway, and that was with a baby on the way!

Blood Angels

Grey Knights




Aldonis said...

Sent you an email....

Grizzled Gorilla said...

As the proud owner of the outstanding Angels Encarmine army, I proudly recommend Black Matt. He did a fantastic job on my army. The paint job is beyond table top quality and the speed at which he painted it was outstanding.

Drew K said...

matt im looking for a commission conversion artist is that something you might want to do?