Death co Dread WIP for Heroes of Armaggedon prt 4

I guess these are Jawa's Balls. Which pose is more majestic?


IDICBeer 40k said...

I don't like the top pose at all, but the other one is much better, especially in the left picture

James Paladin said...

Second pose by far. though I think it would look cooler to have one raised and swinging down. A little more dynamic I would think.

Demitra said...

Definitely the second one. I love the big balls, can't wait to see it painted.

The Eye of Error said...

"I've got big balls
I've got big balls
They're such big balls
And they're dirty big balls
And he's got big balls
And she's got big balls
(But we've got the biggest balls of them all)"


Black Matt said...

The first pose is meant as a joke or jab at Chris. And a more dynamic pose is definetly possible whenNOT considering shipping and survivability.
If you remember hell boy 2, the bad guy monster who could shoot his hand and recoil it on a chain?. That's the idea with this dude. I may have the right side recoiled with chain coming out the back to try an communicate this.

chaplainaerion said...

I wouldn't have the chain hanging out the back, Matt. For that kind of rig to work properly the chain would have to be coiled inside the arm, otherwise it would constantly tangle and kink. I'm loving this idea, though. Looking forward to observing the progress.

David said...

Personally i think the balls are too big.

HuronBH said...

I would agree with David, the balls are to big. I also like the second pose better but the first one is hilarious.

Demitra said...

Comically oversized balls fit into the whole theme of 40k. You might want to consider the purity seals on the right arm, which look like they're flapping in the breeze. Some battle damage on the balls would also go a long way I think.

Tim said...

I wish those balls had some spikes, but hey they look alright...definitely not the first pose...

Black Matt said...

@ #5 I've got the biggest balls of them all
@ chaplain. I rarely go for realistic when modeling 40k stuff. What do I do with the back of the librarian arms? The holes where the staff would come out?
@david and Huron
I agree with David, cause when people ask what scale 40k is, I usually say comical;)
@ol shatta
Spikes for the chaos dread in the future!

Does anyone know of the dreadnought picture I'm talking about in the previous post

Unlikecrashzach said...

Definitely the second pose, but i think the balls are too big. those big be some very over-sized and spiky balls

Will said...

How about one side hanging off the chain with the ball off the ground to show he is maybe recoiling it back into the arm?

Looks great Mat, spikes on the balls would be awesome too I agree!


Unknown said...

I also like the second pose a lot better than the other.

and about the suggestion about a recoiling arm is worth a try.

Warflake said...

No words can describe how badass that looks.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a dreadnaught fanatic to me. Now that would be epically scary.