Deathguard/Nurgle Army 4 sale

This right here is whats left of my very first venture into Chaos. I did this Deathguard army over 5 years ago when I lived in Stinkfield, Illinois. As the video explains, I recently attained this disgusting puss bubble of an army from someone who I sold it back to me, and this is the current state of affairs with the army now. I will be fixing the army and adding another two rhinos to the army so that I can sell it here on the blog. After I finish what I am working on now and a small commission afterward, I will return to Grandpa's embrace and finish this army. If you want dibbs on the army, speak up and we can talk!


Grizzled Gorilla said...

The Slug Lord!
As always a fantastic looking army. In particular I really like the rhino.

John Lambshead said...


N00bcron said...

Is this still for sale?

Black Matt said...

No, I traded it for a Deathwing army a few months ago

N00bcron said...

Okay, looked amazing

N00bcron said...

What would a similar project cost me in money and you in time? :o)
I'm blown away by your work, you're a real artist.

If you don't want to do the same thing over again, then maybe in a Thousand Sons scheme.