guardian torso conversions

As everyone probably already knows, Battle for Salvation is putting on our Fall tournament in a few weeks. We have been having a few technical difficulties with our registration site, so I am writing this post so that evryone knows that it should be fixed.
Sorry about the mix up. If you have already sent your money to the paypal account, that will be enough to register yourself for the tournament. There are a couple of people who I know pay attention to the blog that I need to get a hold of. Greg Sabino, Doug Mundy, and Tony Fasano, if you guys could shoot me an email I would appreciate it. We accidently erased your email address'. The video is for Magilla Gurilla who asked me how I got the guardian torsos on the jetbike rider legs. Here is your answer and hope your feeling better!


Grizzled Gorilla said...

Thanks for the video. Waiting to see what the final army looks like.

HuronBH said...

I have payed but I have been having problems with the army registration. I will try it again.

HuronBH said...

Okay it worked my name is on the list.

Black Matt said...

awesome, where are you coming from?