Past Golden Daemon Entries

There are two entries here that I did not post. My very first entry in 2003 made first cut but that was it. I dont have any pictures but in a converted way, it still lives on in my legion. If you have ever noticed my nurgle rhinos, there is on where there is a sacrificed Space marine crucified to the floor with a daemon popping out of his chest. That rhino was the center piece of a "Dual" diorama, complete with Logan Grimnar crashing in to purge his chapter of the heresy that had taken root. Ahhhh trader space wolves!! It just seems right, being werewolves and all.

The second entry is seen every time that you come to Black Matt's Black Legion Blog. My most recent entry was of a undivided terminator squad. The picture right under the title of my blog are the subjects in question, led of course by my avatar.

Every one of my entries has made it to the final cut but none have placed. This is where I have failed. Before anyone tells me not to be so hard on myself and be proud of my accomplishments, I have and am. But when the facts are looked at, I went to win, and did not, period. I have a tendency to not let people blow smoke up my arse. I really don't pay attention to what people say, but rather what they do or don't do!

A note about the the Nurgle lord with beast standing atop the Imperial Fist Dreadnought, I threw it against the wall and smashed it into a million pieces to make a premeditated point. Its destruction was willful. I am not sure the delivery of my idea during the speech was adequate though! I dont regret it one bit!


Drew K said...

nice work on the model and the smashing happened to me before once or twice 3 times a max ok about 5 times.but heres the real question are you coming to the RTT on saturday if so contact the guy who runs the forum links that i have in my messages his email adress is and tell him andrew sent you

MasterDarksol said...

Would it be too much to ask for context surrounding the willful smashing and speech? That sure peaked my interest.

Black Matt said...

Sorry Master Darksol, to be honest I would like to keep it private between myself and the several people who were there.

Brent said...

Man, you can't just put that out there and leave us hanging!

That model had to represent countless hours of work.

Color me curious.


Anonymous said...

You def made a great looking Chaos Lord I have too...

Ad Astra said...

Warmaster, having seen your other models and all I think your "coversions" are event better then your painting skillz, and that is saying a lot. You use common bitz and turn them into combinations that you never know what the original bit was. Here is an idea for a post- do you come up with the model concept first and then build it, or do you start by digging in the bitz box and then come up with ideas. Also, give us some pics of your bitz box.