Imperial Fists banner 1st one/1st try

Well here is my first try at doing hand painted banners. Obviously this and the freehand that I did, and am planning to do, on top of my chaos rhinos are/ were inspired by the competition in the Battle for Salvation club. It feels like a measuring stick is constantly pulled out. I would argue that inter-species competition amongst humans is the reason for technological/valued advancement. Whoops, anyway I have always wanted to finish my Imperial Fists and believe it or not they aren't. I probably would never have ever gotten around to trying to finish them if I wasnt for the competition in the club. The banners are much easier than I thought, especially with something to look off of. I would have to say that not having a design/ decision was the largest inhibiting factor in trying this. If you want to do a banner, draw out exactly what you want on a,"to scale," piece of paper. Then if your not practiced, (been painting well for a long time,) then practice on the paper and several copies if necessary.


oni said...

That is flippin' fantastic for a first try.

Space Hulk Enthusiast said...

Looks fantastic.

Paul Wu said...

Wow, nice freehand on that banner. Very inspiring to a new hobbyist who's still looking to add freehanding to his repertoire.