Emperor Children Sorcerer on Bike

Well I have had a few emails asking about the Emperor's Children and their fair share of the love. Fulgrim is absolutely my favorite Horus Heresay/40K book and was really the inspiration behind this piece. Except for the Emp. Children termie @ the top of the page, I havent painted any other traditional EC figs. I will try and run a battle report with the Emperor's Children crushing my opponent. :p My choices in painting and converting these figs was made with the attempt to create the most gaudy, Donald Trump sort of decoration possible. I painted all the metal in gold with colors that dont match! I hope they make you so sick you cant look away even though it is not finished. ;p


Nagamo said...

Great figure, I really like the dynamic pose of it, the lash in conjunction with the bend bike especially. What I don´t like is the pink, the usual problem with EC painting I have. Don´t get me wrong, the painting is great, but I don´t like strong pink colors. If I would run EC, I would try to paint them in a pastel tone, something like this: http://www.coolminiornot.com/147279. Pink can be a cold colour and look "evil", but it has to be mixed with a lot of white to get the effect and looks a little fleshy. Before I started my conversions on the PM, I wanted to start a slaaneshthemed army, but I did not dare to do it, because my painting skills aren´t that great and pink is the hardest colour to use, if you ask me...

Anonymous said...

Great model! I would have to agree with Nagamo on two points.

One: the pose and the base make this a fantastic model.

Two: Pink just does not scream evil to me.

Anonymous said...

You guys are crazy. Pink is the reincarnation of evil. Plus the EC fluff states that the reason they use such bright colors is due to their hunger for ecstacy. The crazier the colors the better for slaneesh I say.

Drew K said...

pink equals the number 23 23 equals 666 the number of the beast nice job matt.isnt slaanesh supposed to be the devil or something like that so it looks great who cares about the color